Friday, February 02, 2007

Short: Global Warming

BBC Article:

Humans are "very likely" the cause of global climate change

In short, the International Panel on Climate Change states that there is a 90% chance that human activity has been influential in recent changes in climate.


Anonymous said...

Genius! Maybe next they can put together an international conference and determine if the sky is actually blue.

Aaron said...

Heh I suppose most of us already knew the truth, but it takes away the ability of the US government to deny the link. Doesn't matter, I suppose:

"The US administration said the report was "valuable", but rejected mandatory controls to reduce greenhouse gases."

"[US Energy Secretary Sam Bodman] said that a unilateral US programme to cut emissions might damage the US economy and send business overseas."

"The US contributes around one-quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions."
